

Inkjet prints, plastic plant Fejka from IKEA,
optical fiber lamp, toy car; variable dimensions.

group exhibition ‘Onde o Vento vai dar a Volta’ 
Mundano Gallery, Porto  (PT) 
09.05 — 20.05.2016

Setting the Internet as a space of infinite possibility of images and links between themselves, the line between real and fake is lost in the horizon of a google earth landscape.

A virtual world of self-referential metaphors that look to repeat and plagiarize reality into new languages. Edited, recreated, transformed as versions of themselves, the images look for the simultaneous cybernetic and human perfection.
The white wall is taken as a white screen where slowly, the images become dispersed and separated from their initial origin and from what was left behind, towards a contrast of the clean, the high resolution, the hyper realism...

Simulations, 2016

Inkjet prints, plastic plant Fejka from IKEA,
optical fiber lamp, toy car; variable dimensions.

View in ‘Onde o Vento vai dar a Volta’ exhibition, at Mundano Gallery, Porto. (2016)

Simulations, 2016
Installation view.
Inkjet print of a Google Earth screenshot
of the “Palm Jumeirah” artificial archipelago
in Dubai, alongside a plastic plant ‘Fejka’
from IKEA.
Installation view.
Inkjet prints of screenshots taken from Youtube videos and documentaries about humanoid robots;
screenshots of Google Earth landscapes and photographs taken with the camera of the character inside the video game Grand Theft Auto V.